The Background

A critical error occurred when a contractor was issued a Preventative Maintenance (PM) work order for automatic doors. The contractor attended the site, performed the necessary maintenance work, and identified an additional $25,000 worth of repairs. This feedback was promptly provided to the facility manager, who reviewed and approved the proposed works. The contractor proceeded with completing the repairs, which were eventually signed off and led to contractor payment for the work.

The Problem: A Domino Effect of a Simple Mistake

Later the facility manager discovered the contractor had attended the wrong site! Consequently, the maintenance work was done on the wrong Automatic doors. This mistake not only wasted significant resources but also left the original site unattended, risking further deterioration and increased repair costs. Additionally, the company mistakenly paid the contractor for work done at the wrong locations, compounding the issue.

The error occurred due to the absence of a system to record and capture the contractors attendance, track completed work, provide photo evidence and manage work order closures onsite. Consequently, there was no way to validate the contractors activities, including when, where and what work was performed.

The Solution: Turning Chaos into Control

The company implemented Verified’s Contractor Management module and significantly mitigated these risks with enhanced verification processes, real-time contractor activity updates, and post-completion audits.

Verified automatically identifies in real-time when a contractor arrives onsite and provides them with the specific work order for that location, thereby validating their tasks and ensuring they know what needs to be done.

To find out how you can avoid the risk of such costly mistakes please reach out to us on 1300 133 950 or via email.


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