Trusted by Australia's leading companies
in over 20,000+ facilities

Our Solutions

Verified’s advanced QR code and web-based workflow gives you increased accuracy, greater control and visibility

Smart, Safe & Secure

Verified leverages advanced SaaS based technology, ensures easy deployment and accessibility for your business

Single Source of Truth

Accurate data that you own, unified in a single cloud location and available 24/7

Dashboards & Reporting

Deep site analytics via customisable reporting and management tools

Audit Assurance

Accurate information to capture audit trails, ensuring risk minimisation and regulatory compliance

Verified in Action

Over the past 20 years, Verified has delivered significant cost savings, greater
transparency and process optimisation for Australia’s leading companies.

News & Articles

With 20 years’ experience in the business, we believe in sharing our expertise on workplace safety,
compliance and transparency throughout the workplace.

Why 70% of Digital Transformations Fail Digital transformation is a major challenge for companies trying to leverage new technology to enhance their operations. Desp…

Inside Verified: Focusing on Efficient Onsite Inductions We are taking a deep dive into streamlining onsite inductions this month. Find out how we are transforming i…

Enhancing Onsite Compliance: Pre-qualifications, Accreditation and Licensing Overview Understanding and navigating business and regulatory requirements is essential …

Beyond the Paper Trail: The Need for Effective Document Access Facility and site management demand extensive documentation to maintain operational efficiency, ensure…


With 20 years of experience and 2 million records captured yearly,
here is what customers are saying about Verified