Easy & Efficient Site Inductions

Technology focused on safety not paperwork. Gain full visibility
over visitor and contractor induction with real time status and checks.

Enforcing Policies & Procedures

Ensure all contractors and visitors access critical policies and procedures—such as Modern Slavery, Workplace Safety, and Code of Conduct—before they step on site. Verified digitally delivers, tracks, and records acknowledgments, confirming compliance and accountability.


Standardise safety and induction processes

Share critical information easily and quickly

Capture site specific permit requirements

Set entry requirements

Instant notification of arrival

Centralised reporting for safety / compliance data

Key Features

Digital & Efficient Site Inductions

Verified allows for secure capture and storing of essential safety and compliance information. Built in credential management allows for seamless site induction and real time visibility of employees, visitors and contractors.

Site Requirements & User Confirmations

Capture a range of information to minimise site risks providing a range of rich visual information that is easily understood. Include online checks, questionnaires, PDF’s, customisable forms, videos, maps, diagrams, pictures and more.

Site Risk - Data & Reporting

Keep an eye on key safety statistics and analytics through real time reporting and dashboard monitoring. View risks and potential safety issues on a site wide and organisational basis, stored online and accessible 24/7.


With Verified, you have actionable data at your fingertips that gives
you the answers you need to provide a safe and compliant workplace


Got a risk management question? We’re here to answer! If you don’t see your question here, please reach out via our Contact Us page

Yes, a contractor can receive a "No Go" alert on their smart phone if they fail to meet your requirements.

Yes, a notification can be entered into Verified which is shown to a user when they log in.

Yes, Verified can capture photos and critical information for permits, SWMS, WPCG's, etc.

Yes, Verified easily integrates with any external LMS, such as CM3, Linksafe, Rapid Global, etc.