Integrated, Automated & Validated Quotes

A complete and efficient quote approval process for your contractors and business

Fast, Accurate & Easy

Allow contractors to easily and efficiently generate error free quotes for contracted parts and labour in line with service level agreements.


Validation of quotes against contracted pricing

Systemised quote generation and reporting

Full life cycle tracking from inception to approval

Onforward quotes to stakeholders

Complete visibility and transparency of quote status

Audit logs and history

Key Features

Automated & Accurate Quotes

Contractors can quickly and easily generate quotes in line with agreements, saving time, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Fully customisable quoting parameters for selecting parts, materials and labour costs to ensure quote accuracy. An automated workflow allows timely delivery to relevant stakeholders.

All Quotes, One Platform

Verified’s cloud based infrastructure means a central location for newly generated and historical quotes. Easily collect and compare quotes received from multiple service providers via standardised templates for all parties.

Advanced Tracking & Reporting

Gain real-time access to audit trails as quotes are received, reviewed, and approved. Enhance efficiency by generating analytics to identify quotes that are pending, have not yet been approved, and performance against SLAs.


With Verified, you have actionable data at your fingertips that gives
you the answers you need to provide a safe and compliant workplace


Got a Quote Management question? We’re here to answer! If you don’t see your question here, please reach out via our Contact Us page.

Yes, Quote Management can be used for all vendors allowing your process to remain consistent.

No, Verified is a SAAS based solution meaning all you need is access to the internet and a web broswer.

Quote Management clearly highlights where rates are not as per your Contractors negotiated rates.

Yes - Quote Management allows for your Contractors to apply a cost plus markup percentage. This allows a fully transparent quote.